Sprout Creek Farm

Founded in 1982 by the Society of the Sacred Heart, Sprout Creek Farm was originally located on the campus of the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich, Connecticut. The operations moved to Dutchess County, New York, in 1990. The relocation to New York came after Sprout Creek Farm was identified as “mission-aligned” with the intent of the original farm’s owner. Encompassing 200 acres, Sprout Creek Farm is really three different entities, distinct yet dynamically intertwined.

Mary Kay Hunyady

Along time ago, I took a course with Peter Henriot, S.J., during his seventeen-year tenure at the Center of Concern in Washington, D.C. Toward the end of the class, he said something along these lines: “I know that Red Dye #40 is bad for us, so on Mondays I refrain from consuming anything with Red Dye #40. We are boycotting this particular company’s products, so on Tuesday I eat nothing made by that company. On Wednesday, I fast for the sake of being in solidarity with those in the world who have no food to eat. On Thursday … ” And so on. But, “On Sunday, I do whatever I want.”