Before coming to New Orleans, Mary worked doing faith based organizing addressing issues of housing and unemployment in the South Suburbs of Chicago. In New Orleans Mary connected with a sister organizing group (PICO) addressing housing, crime, and education, which helped the group at Duchesne House get in touch with significant inner dynamics of city politics and decisions from a grass roots level that cuts across racial, religious and economic lines. Other religious who were part of the community included Mary Pat White, RSCJ, who spent a career in campus ministry which gave her an ease in working with young adults. Marie-Louise "ML" Wolfington, RSC], worked with volunteers in clean-up efforts and was the neighborhood connector for the house, walking up and down Bayou Road, known to all. Muriel Cameron, RSCJ, an educator at the local Sacred Heart school, "The Rosary," was a hurricane veteran with the longest tenure in the region among the group.
To read more about Mary Bernstein's work at Duchesne House for Volunteers click on the link under her picture.