We can thank Bishop McCarthy for inviting us to increase our numbers/ministries in Houston. When Rita Karam chaired the IPB he wrote to her that Houston was wide open to having us come. (At that time we were only at Duchesne Academy but Betsy Hartson and Lil Conaghan came to Our Lady of Guadalupe School during their free periods to teach religion.)
Over the next several years after we became one province in 1982 a number of us went to Our Lady of Guadalupe parish and school: Cookie Siy as Business Manager of the parish, Grail McMullen as parish secretary, Rose Marie Quilter as DRE, Ana Vila from Puerto Rico as Librarian, Emma Fernandez as Assistant in the Kindergarten, Laura Anderson as Math teacher to grades 6-8, Paula Toner as Math teacher at OLG and Duchesne, Clare Pratt as principal from ''82-'88, followed by Nancy Koke, Marie-Louise Wolfington as Development and Alumni Director (new roles which she created) Tootsie Torian to teach religion to 6-8, Natalia Campos, Guadalupe Social Service. (To learn more about Our Lady of Guadelupe click on the links under the picture.)