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Brief description Author

Clare Pratt

During the spring of 1994 when I was on the probation team, I loved to go to the top of the Villa Lante garden to pray, looking over the rooftops of Rome to the mountains beyond Frascati. Much closer in my field of vision. was Regina Coeli prison, literally across the street from the Villa Lante, described in a recent article as "The Black Hole...


Gail O'Donnell

Gail was instrumental in integrating the school in Grosse Pointe in 1967 and bringing the students of Grosse Pointe to serve in the inner city.   In 1969 Grosse Pointe was  closed by the New York Province.


Nancy Murphy

There are many joy-filled memories of being sent. Nancy Murphy RSCJ remembers; “(A)t the invitation of our Superior General, Concepción Camacho,  I left for Egypt and had the joy of getting to know the Egyptian people and of serving  as a nurse in our dispensaries in Upper Egypt  and  in a settlement for  trash collectors and their...


Jane McKinlay

When asked to tell a story about some moment in her ministry as an RSCJ that reflected the call to Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, (JPIC), Jane responded immediately with this message:  "I would like to send you material about my involvement with the 4th World Movement (for more than two decades), particularly about my connection...


Mary McGann

Anyone who has ever experienced the fervor of African-American worship is likely to be swept back to those moments by the vivid writing in the selection on the following pages, an excerpt from Sister Mary McGann’s award-winning book A Precious Fountain. Think twice, therefore, before reading it in a public place, for you may soon find...


Joan Magnetti

It all started with dented cans. Growing up in New Jersey, our public school asked students to bring in cans of food for the poor. I was in 4th grade. My parents told me to go to our cupboard and fill up two big bags of food. Anything I wanted.
I returned home next day upset that many dented cans had been donated. In those days, the...


Mary Lyman

After the 1977 riots in Detroit,  I taught social studies and religion at De Porres for seven years.  During that time, I created a new religion curriculum that was sensitive to the Black students and their culture, taught Spanish, American History, and various religion classes.  I also did some campus ministry, planning...


Nancy Koke

From her earliest years in the Society, Nancy was drawn to know and serve those on the margins of society.  Her ministries included doing pastoral ministry in Belize, coordinating social services at Sacred Heart Parish in San Jose, CA, and serving as principal at Our Lady of Guadalupe School in Houston, TX.  Of her time in San Jose she wrote: ...


Sharon Karam

Sharon organized Social service clubs in New Orleans and in Houston which linked the students with those in need.  She is closely involved with Angela House in Houston which serves women leaving prison.


Agnes (Aggie) Hoormann

As the Provincial Treasurer of the St. Louis Province in the late 1970’s,  I met with the other religious treasurers of the congregations in Region X of LCWR on a regular basis exploring best practices together and sharing our experience of administration with one another.


Marina Hernandez

From 1984-90 I was a community organizer at the San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP). SDOP began in 1978 when, seeing the needs of families, faith leaders and local residents came together to ask one bold question.

How can we address the root inequalities that are causing suffering in our communities? (To read...


Marie-Louise (Bunny) Flick

For many years Bunny (and many other rscj in San Diego) have lent their support to Students Without Limits (SWOL), a non-profit which serves young people seeking various forms of relief, including refugees, asylees and asylum seekers. Most of SWOL’s asylum-seeking students are from Guatemala and Honduras and have experienced horrific violence...


Joan Ewing

  In the early 80's Joan taught at Holy Redeemer School in Washington, DC and was part of the community of RSCJ who lived in Sursum Corda Village.  After probation in 1985, she worked with several other RSCJ at the Thensted Center in Grand Coteau, LA which provided home health care, job search assistance, financial education, and emergency...


Martha Curry

Martha and Annette Zipple worked on at least two projects together as part of SHEP (Sacred Heart Educational Program) in downtown Detroit, MI, including starting and inter-congregational middle school and then a program to help women complete college. (From province wide email spill in 2017)


Suzanne Cooke

While at Carrollton in Miami FL,established Network of the Sacred Heart Schools Forum for students and faculty to study the US Catholic Conference of Bishops Peace Pastoral Letter.  “Months of significant preparation [were] required of each participant, including going to visit one's bishop or archbishop to ask how they had voted [on] the...


Trudy Considine

I co-founded, with Ali Golchin, SOFIA Immigration Services in 1995 in response to the Act of Hope.  The mission SOFIA Immigration Services is to provide low cost or Pro Bono services to the poor and marginalized. SOFIA strives to be a prophetic voice on behalf of immigrants, migrants and abused women and children.  SOFIA enables families of...


Christine (Chris) Webber

While Chris was at the provincial house (assisting the provincial treasurer) at Greenwich, a proposal was submitted to the province asking for five volunteers to work with the poor in New York City. Chris felt called to respond and was one of the members of the new 49th Street community in "Hell's Kitchen" in September, 1975. She worked in East...


Rosemary Thompson

Rosemary belonged to two cultural worlds. She was by temperament Latina and drawn to Latin America, the place of her birth and childhood. At the same time, she treasured her Irish/English ancestry and her British citizenship, and lived most of her life in the United States, therefore never able to vote anywhere. When she finally went to England...


Rosemary (Rosie) Statt

As the United States was celebrating its bicentennial in July of 1976, Rosie flew out of a besieged Entebbe airport in Uganda home to Manhattan, where she spent the next three years teaching in a diocesan school in "Hell's Kitchen" on Manhattan's West Side, while living in an RSCJ community in East Harlem.


Mary Gen Smyth

My father, Dr. Joseph Henry Smyth (who was an Anglican priest), was Sen by U.S. Indian Serfice, to Laguna, New Mexico, then Chinle, Arizona to minister to the Indians. This is where I spent the first eight years of my life. . . . We also lived in Ukiah, CA where my father had a clinic and treated the Indians there and other places in Northern...


Helen Sheahan

In the late 1960's, in a letter to the new Superior General in Rome (Helen) expressed her insight into what was needed for change to occur.  She observed that there is a  "group of RSCJ (and they are not only the young) who direct their vision to the future and are ready to take the necessary risks involved in any action which is seen to be...


Miriam (Mim) Schumann

In 1967, at the request of Manhattanville's Student Government, Mim organised a course called "Methods of Tutorial Instruction" to prepare the students for tutororial work that was urged by the serviceprogram. She continued to teach this course over the years. . . . In 1968 she was instrumental in the establishment of the Kenwood Child...


Marie Louise Schroen

A few years as superior at 91st Street followed her departure from Kenwood, and then she was named the mistress of probation at the motherhouse. It was the era of the Second Vatican Council. Mother Schroen’s theological and biblical study had prepared her to enter into the forward thinking of the theological experts at the council, several of...


Mary Gen Schellings

Beginning in 1976 Mary served for nine years as a university chaplain, first at Princeton University and then at the Catholic Center at New York University. In 1990, at the age of sixty-six, Mary began preparing for a new ministry as a hospital chaplain, studying with seminarians of various faiths, most of whom were in their twenties. She...


Helen Ralston

Helen's work focused on various issues concerning migrant women, with religion, identity and empowerment as key themes.  Her published comparative research focused on immigration and multicultural policies; interconnected gender, race, ethnicity, class and religion in identity construction, experience and empowerment among first and second...
